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About Holy Cross Lutheran Church


Christian Education

Christian Education, or Disciple Formation, covers a wide scope of our congregational life. We have a Sunday School for our younger members, as well as an Adult Bible Class.  We also instruct Middle School aged members in Confirmation, a two-year intentional journey through the basics of the Bible and the key beliefs of the Christian faith. Confirmation generally concludes with the Affirmation of Baptism, where our younger members have the opportunity to publicly proclaim their faith in the God who has already embraced them in love.


In the summer, we hold a week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS) for both young people and adults.


Holy Cross Lutheran Church Child Protection Policy: Available HERE.


The word “Evangelism” comes from the Koine Greek word, the language of the original New Testament. It means “to share the good news.” Because of God’s freely-given love and acceptance for all people through the work of Jesus Christ, we truly have some good news to share. God loves ALL people and, as our Welcome Statement reminds us, that includes many people that society and often the organized church have excluded. We want to share that radical good news in new and creative ways, by being part of our community, by inviting people to worship and special events, and by teaching ourselves how to pass on the good news to those who often feel on the outside of everything.


The Fellowship ministry works to encourage the community aspect of our congregation, planning potlucks and after worship snacks. Helping with birthdays, weddings, and funerals, by providing the gift of food and hospitality. They also oversee our “Card Brigade” (a group of folks that write and send greetings and love to people for a variety of events in their lives).

Community Outreach

Community Outreach is the cousin of Evangelism, but it might be described as “doing the good news” for people in our community. Through the ministry, we support the local food bank (LINK) and homeless shelter (Embry Rucker); we host, “Lunch for the Soul,” a partnership ministry with three other congregations. for weekly gathering with our local day-workers for a meal, fellowship, and prayer; we help assist a local Afghan family, who have come to our neighborhood to find a safer way of life; and we reach out through ministries such as Lutheran World Relief, and Lutheran Disaster Relief to share hand-made quilts and financial donations to those throughout the world oppressed by difficult circumstances.


The Personnel group is a vital part of the accountability part of the ministry of our congregation, making certain that the staff is fairly compensated, that proper procedures regarding pension, insurance, and medical are maintained, and as overseer of new hiring of staff other than the pastor.


The Property ministry is an on-going job! Like and home or building, the church building has many, many needs that need attention during any given year. Some of those needs are on-going and expected (filters, inspections) and others are unwelcome surprises. The often behind the scenes work of the people who assist in this essential part of our mission together, literally keep the building in working order.


“Stewardship is everything a do after I say, ‘I Believe.’” A wise person once coined this pithy way in which to describe what the ministry of stewardship means to followers of Jesus. A steward is a care-taker, and a model Jesus used often in his parables. As God’s people, we have been given so many things which we are asked to use to God’s glory. Everything we are, everything we are, and everywhere we live belongs to God the Creator. We receive them as gifts. The ministry of Stewardship is part educational, reminding us of God’s amazing love and of our faithful response as responsible stewards of those gifts. It is also an inspirational ministry, asking us to share a portion of our financial, time, and talent treasure to assist the mission and ministry of God’s people in and through the congregation. While not only a financial ministry, this committee will lead the annual appeal for members to pledge a portion of their income to support the mission of the congregation.

Worship and Music

The Worship and Music ministry assists the Pastor and Music Director to ensure ushers, acolytes, altar guild, assisting ministers, choir and musicians are prepared for each Sunday Worship.


The ministry with our younger members is the opportunity to pass on the joy and acceptance that Jesus gives us all in way that are meaningful for them. Right now, we are working on fellowship activities such as hikes and games, that allow our young people to interact with one another and with adults that care for them and for Jesus.


Access the Constitution and recent summaries of an Annual Meeting and Church Council meetings.​

Worship and Music

Find out worship services times and opportunities to experience our music ministries.


Learn about opportunities to serve your neighbors.

Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
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