Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
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at 10:00 am
About Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Church Council
The Church Council oversees each part of our ministry together and the administrative authority of our congregation. Each Council member is assigned an emphasis of ministry within our congregation and is asked to report back on events and concerns within that area. Council members serve 2-year terms and are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting in November.
The Council meets as a whole once a month (currently on the third Monday evening). These meetings are always open to visitors. These meetings are held primarily on-line. If you would like to attend as a guest, please contact the President, Cara Papenheim.
The Council also has an Executive Committee made of up the four officers and the Pastor. Currently, the Executive Committee meets on the second Wednesday of each month, to discuss agenda item for the Council meeting and any needs that can be addressed without the full Council. These meetings are generally closed, but welcome guests with prior approval. Again, contact President Cara Papenheim if you wish to attend.
2025 Executive Committee
(Clickable E-mail links embedded in Position Title)
Cara Papenheim
The President acts as the voice of the congregation, sets the agenda and calls to order the Council meetings, works in partnership with the Pastor to achieve the mission of Holy Cross Lutheran Church, organizes annual Congregational meetings, and oversees proper functioning of each ministry.
Mark Roe
The Vice President assists the President in performing their duties for the church, serves as President when the President is unable to do so, and works hand in hand with all ministries to help carry out their missions to the church. The VP also oversees the work of the Finance Committee.
Jo Roe
The Secretary keeps accurate minutes of Congregational and Council meetings, ensures minutes are made available for the congregation and voting members prior to the next scheduled meeting, and is responsible for church correspondence and the official church seal.
Bob Thompson
The Treasurer is the keeper of all church financial records, reports the financial status of the church to Council and Congregation, monitors monthly financial position and available funds in accordance with the church budget, and assists with preparing the new budget each fiscal year.
(ex officio)
2025 Church Council
(Clickable E-mail links embedded in Committee Name)
Chip Edwards
The Christian Education chair oversees all educational activities of the church (primarily the Sunday School program) and promotes Christian Education events for Pre-K through Confirmation age. After Confirmation, our newest church members are encouraged to become active with the Youth Program.
The Stewardship chair prepares programs which promote the Christian use of time, talent and financial resources and invites congregants to use all of the gifts that God has entrusted to their care, both inside and outside of the congregation.
Tammy Breene
The Evangelism chair helps to oversee our ministry of welcome. In this way they encourage us all to strive to reach those in need of the Word of God, greet all who visit on Sunday Morning, send a personal welcome to all new visitors, and assist with new member classes.
Tonya Elliott
The Community Outreach chair organizes support for those in need in our local community, leads organized efforts to give back to our neighbors, and provides opportunities for the members of the congregation to share God’s love and care in the name of Jesus Christ.
Anne Geiger
The Fellowship chair encourages fellowship among the congregation at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in a variety of ways, such as arranging potlucks or other activities where people can gather together to get to know one another better.
Gene Bain
The Personnel chair serves as liaison between the Church and the Church Staff, establishes employee job classifications, benefits, and policies, gives recommendations on leadership and development needs, as well as serves in an advisory capacity for staff members of the church.
Gary Wolfe
The Property chair watches over the physical structure of Holy Cross Lutheran Church both inside and outside, ensures there is a plan for current and future facility needs, and oversees contracted services that fall under their authority.
Chris Nelson
The Youth chair oversees the youth program of Holy Cross Lutheran Church. They coordinate opportunities for youth fellowship as well as opportunities to serve the community and grow together in faith. The Youth chair organizes and supports youth fundraising for annual ELCA National Youth gathering.
Pat Swanson
The Worship and Music chair works with the Pastor and Director of Music to organize, plan, and implement opportunities for worship throughout the year with the congregation. The ministry committee organizes worship leaders such as: readers, assisting ministers, acolytes, ushers, and altar guild.
Access the Constitution and recent summaries of an Annual Meeting and Church Council meetings.​
Worship and Music
Find out worship services times and opportunities to experience our music ministries.