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Welcome to Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Directions and Building Layout

Where You Can Find Us
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
1090 Sterling R
Herndon, VA 20164

Church Office:  703-437-1883


Office Hours: Vary; please call ahead

Worship With Us
Sundays at 10 am

Facebook Live on Sundays at 10:00 am.
Will be posted on Facebook and can be watched at any time after 10:00 am.

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Building Considerations

Handicap Access

Designated parking spaces are available near the accessible main entrance doors. If desired, an Usher is available to help you to your seat. 



Restrooms are located in the Narthex off of the Sanctuary and in the administrative hallway off the Fellowship Hall.


Fellowship Hall 

Please join us in the Fellowship Hall (located directly across the entrance to the sanctuary) for coffee, tea, juice, or water, and good food (there is always fruit!). It's a terrific way to meet up with Holy Cross members and visitors!  

Join Our Community

Interested in learning more about how to join the community of faith at Holy Cross Lutheran Church?

Who We Are

Get an introduction to what is important to this community of faith.

Reconciling in Christ

What does it mean to be a Reconciling in Christ congregation?

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