Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service
Join us on Sundays
at 10:00 am
In the Church
Assisting with Worship
We would love to incorporate your gifts and talents into worship each week at Holy Cross!
Please see the ways that you can use your gifts and talents to serve God during our worship services once a month:
Altar Guild - Help set up and break down communion items
Assistant Minister - Help assist with the service
Acolyte - Help serve by lighting candles, assisting with communion and collecting the offering
Ushers - Greet, hand out bulletins & collect the offering
Reader - Read Sunday scriptures

Music Ministry

HCLC has a rich tradition of high quality music offered to God. There are many opportunities for music lovers to offer their talents in worship, beginner to advanced. Singing and playing in our ensembles is very fun and rewarding. Any member of the music program will tell you that in addition to getting a lot of work done we tend to have tangents of joking and laughter during rehearsal. It is very easy to get one on one training from a seasoned member if you are interested. Come join us for fellowship and fun as we praise God through music. If interested please contact Director of Music and Liturgy, Jeremy Shoop.
"Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2)
Holy Cross is dedicated to caring for individuals through specially-trained members who provide one-on-one caring, confidential relationships with those who are hurting or who are in need of Christian companionship and compassion. Stephen Ministers care, listen, and share God's love to help individuals get through stress, confusion, loneliness, or just plain difficult times. Stephen Ministers have received 50 hours of training in Christian caregiving including general topics such as listening, feelings, boundaries, and assertiveness. Their training includes specialized topics such as ministering to those who are divorced, hospitalized, bereaved, and aging.
The mission of Stephen Ministry is to provide confidential high quality individual support to people going through tough times. This may be due to loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, or separation due to military deployment or other issues. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life. Our passion is to be non-judgmental listeners and faithful partners, bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.

If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, OR are hurting or in need of ordinary care, we invite you take a step and contact Holy Cross's administrative office at: or call (703) 437-1883.
Stephen Ministries St. Louis is an independent, not-for-profit Christian educational organization, founded in 1975 and based in St. Louis, Missouri.
Church Property Workdays
Thanks to all who work with us regularly on property issues and property care.
Come join us for our next workday! Look for notices on the next Property Workday Event for you to jump in and utilize your special talents from planting, pruning, organizing, and painting! Everyone is welcome!
Altar Flowers
We appreciate your help with keeping flowers in the Sanctuary on Sundays! With a donation, you can make a dedication in honor of, in memory of, or in celebration of a loved one, or to the glory of God.
Flower donations are $65 per vase. You may send a check to the church office for the Sunday(s) you sign up for or simply place your check in the offering, indicating "for sanctuary flower dedication(s)" in the memo section. Alternatively, payment can be made through Vanco to the Sanctuary Flowers fund. Your flowers can be taken home after the worship service.
To make a dedication, you can sign up here. Please be sure to fill out your "Dedication" in the comment section. Your flowers will be greatly appreciated!